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(Redirected from Jacqueline Silva/Hooks)

  • Brazilian — Born and raised in São Paulo, Jack was only ten when she moved to London but she still feels a closely held affinity for her motherland.
  • Black Market — She makes her living as a fence, selling stolen art, artifacts, and contraband. It’s an opportunistic vocation and for the right price, there are very few things beyond her reach.
  • "Art Advisor" — Jack's cover is as an art advisor, someone who helps people curate pieces for a collection, but she knows so much about art and art history that it's not terribly far removed from the truth.
  • High Society - Always on the lookout for the less scrupulous and ridiculously wealthy collectors, Jack can commonly be found at high society events, art galas, charity auctions, and other cultured happenings.
  • Friends in Low Places - But on the other hand, she has gained a not-insubstantial amount of notoriety on the criminal side of London for her work as a fence, and she's well-allied with many unsavory types.


  • Supernatural Vitality — She never gets sick and has always resolved her own injuries very quickly. Uncommonly quickly. Weirdly quickly.
  • Laying on Hands - She's only recently learned that she has a preternatural ability to heal others of their injuries, too.
  • Delicious - Her blood is particularly appealing to the Kindred, not that she's aware of it.
  • Consor - Jack's introduction to the world of magick had a rocky start, but she's learning quickly as a Consor for the Circle of St. Herodias.