
Towers of New Londinium — or as everyone including staff calls it, “TowersMUX” — is a World of Darkness MUX set in the city of London, using the 20th Anniversary World of Darkness rules and setting.

Our address is: game.towersmux.net 4201

As of December 1 2024, the game is open! The present state of the game is as follows:

  • Character creation at the login screen is enabled. Invites are no longer required to create a character.
  • We are accepting applications for Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Changeling and Mortal characters (as well as ghouls, kinfolk, and kinain).
  • Writeups for the current state of IC play, the IC institutions and the initial house rules for available spheres are all now in place. This content will continue to evolve, particularly when it comes to house rules.
  • The central London IC grid is now complete. Staff will be focusing on applications and player builds before expanding the grid. Our next priorities are the boroughs of Hammersmith and Waltham Forest, the Subterranean realm and the Middle Umbra. The Upper and Lower Umbra, the Digital Web and other IC areas will be added prioritizing demand. Please use RP rooms where necessary in the interim.
  • We’re now over 130 IC +hangouts and venues, both public and sphere-specific. If you’re in need of a venue that doesn’t currently exist or are interested in helping staff develop the exiting grid, please see our Building Guide and contact staff. Character build requests are always the top building priority.
  • Automation of the influence system is still in progress. Until this game feature is implemented, requests will be handled manually — thank you for your patience!
  • We’re working some metaplot drops into the game now. Staff will be rolling out chunks of storyline to each of our four main spheres, both in the mortal and supernatural realms. Note that Changeling may lag behind slightly as the most recently opened sphere, but we hope everyone will find grist for compelling and enjoyable roleplay that sparks your characters’ evolution.
  • While the game is now officially open, we are focused on player depth of experience. This means that our priorities are: thoughtful review of character applications, meaningful consideration of story elements that your applications provide, and the development of a relevant and satisfying game space. Requests for NPC appearances, influence system actions, information on specific IC elements, etc. may take longer to address if they fall outside these priorities.

Thank you for your patience while we continue to improve our London, developing the game and the world it’s set in. Our goal is a compelling and fully-realized place to roleplay — this is an ongoing process that will always expand just beyond our immediate priorities.

Welcome to our shared world!