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Revision as of 21:58, 1 February 2025 by Hotaru (talk | contribs)

Full Name: Ito, Hotaru
Written As: 糸 蛍
Position: Artisan Crafter
Mediums: Blacksmithing, Jewelry
Demeanor: Eye of the Storm

Sphere: Mage
Tradition: Euthanatos
Subfaction: Chakravanti
Sect: Lhaksmists
Chantry London Hydraulic Power Co-Operative

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Hair: Black (Dyed Blonde)
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Early 20's

Steps along the path of Dharma

Hotaru Ito is a second generation Japanese American whom actually spent a good portion of her life in Japan. She does not talk about her parents, but when she was twelve her Uncle, Wataru Ito, brought her back to the U.S. where she was born and raised her himself from then on. She learned his trade in blacksmithing and has been helping him as his apprentice since that time, but only recently lost him to a violent death that may have had to do with her family's ties to the underworld. Owing to not wishing to be any part of said ties, she has come to London for a new start, following her friend and roommate Zoey Kodama, to set up her smithy and jewelry shop 'Zero Edge Under'.

Roleplay Hooks

Blacksmithing Hotaru is a talented and well-trained blacksmith in the older Japanese traditions. Though the art is usually dominated by men, she is one of the many women whom have taken up the hammer in modernity to keep alive her specialties of tamahagane blade smithing and mokume-gane jewelry craft.
Traditional brushwork Brushwork is also a skill set that Hotaru pursues, though to a lesser extent than her metalwork. She practices shodo (Japanese calligraphy), Gansai (Japanese watercolor painting) and sumi-e (a Japanese drawing technique that uses brushed ink or water colors) with some proficiency.
Martial Arts Hotaru studies the martial arts, but they are more a form of exercise for her. Her Uncle thought she should know how to use the blades she forged, and she had enough of an interest to excel but has never taken the Kendo Dan exams so holds no actual official ranks.


Artist Song


Zoey My roomie, and my best friend in the world.
Maria A fellow Californian, and someone whom I can share metallurgy with.
Rhys Nobility certainly lives differently: Sorry for the rough first meeting though.
Zoey Museum studies! Now you're talking my language.