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Seen Through the Mists...

The Thane is a large Troll who stands more than eight foot tall. He has a heavily-muscled build that makes his raw strength immediately obvious and yet the athletic hunk moves with surprising grace and control. There is often a sense of barely-restrained energy in his look, as if he might spring into action at any moment and is just itching for a reason to do so.

The Troll's skin in a dusky shade of blue he looks out at the world through icy-blue eyes. A large pair of curved horns, ridged and almost-black, sprout from the sides of his forehead with their sharp tips pointing forward like those of a ram. The Seelie’s dark brown hair is cropped short and there are hints of scrawny stubble along his jawline

Luke has been part of the County of the Fallen Castle for four years, ever since his rather late Chrysalis. The Seelie Troll Knight is sworn directly to the Snowfall Countess and serves the Kithain as a Monster Hunter, seeking glory and honour by dealing with grave and unusual threats. He is also an enthusiastic member of the county's Hurling team.

To Unenchanted Eyes

Luke is simply a very tall and athletic-looking man, who might easily be mistaken for a bouncer. He stands around six foot six, with an athletic and muscular build that looks like it probably weighs at least 19 stone (270lb). Despite his size, Luke carries himself with surprising grace and his movements are never careless or clumsy. He shares a flat in Woolwich and works multiple jobs in the gig economy. The man is enthusiastically sporty, but mostly unremarkable except for his physicality.