From TowersWiki
- Broadening his horizons - Prior to coming to London, Massimo spent his life/unlife in an insular environment, surrounded by other Giovannis. He is curious to learn about other clans, and will strike up a conversation with anyone for just about anything. He’s friendly enough, other than the fact he probably thinks he’s better than you.
- Man about town - Massimo can be found making the best of his stay by visiting London’s cemeteries and entertainment venues, as well as any interesting spots in the city.
- Criminal - Massimo has connections with elements of the Italian mob operating out of Little Italy in Clerkenwell. If you operate on the wrong side of the law, we might have reason to talk.
- A bit of a knucklehead - With a tendency to rush into situations without thinking, Massimo might just find himself in over his head.