
From TowersWiki

  • Local (All): Amelie was born at St Leonard's Hospital and grew up in Hackney Downs. She was pretty wild in her youth, ended up serving an ASBO when she was in her early teens when she was also heavily involved in party culture. She managed to get on the straight-and-narrow and, except for a year and a half stint in France, has lived in London her whole life.
  • Sept of the Glass Towers (Garou): Amelie was a cub here, was given her Rite of Passage quest here, and remains here. She mentored under Pippin "Walks-Narrow-Paths" Walker when she was a cub.
  • Bacchus Dancers (Garou): Amelie was part of a pack of Cliaths called the Bacchus Dancers, packed under Stag. They went on some crusade or another, relocating just outside of Paris for about a year and a half. Amelie is the only one who returned.
  • Kinfolk (all): Amelie has two kinfolk who spend a decent amount of time with her. One is her former social worker, Sophie Smith, who still works as a municipal social worker and has guided many a wayward child to a better and more constructive life. The other is Jeremiah Ricklesworth who works as a paralegal for a local law firm specializing in defense law.