Description Ivy St. Clair looks like a girl that has either reverted to a half wild state, or was never really tamed. As if societies messages that she should be small, manageable, compliant never, quite, took.
Despite this, she makes for a slight figure, at barely 5'3", but her diminutive stature is easy to forget under the force of her personality. Vivacious, and quick to smile, Ivy often seems bigger than she is, as if she's unafraid to claim a little extra room in this world for herself.
Her hair is a wild mane of blond curls, that frame her face in a way that is at times leonine, and at others, when the light filters through her curls, giving them a haloing glow, angelic. Dividing the girl between primal and otherworldly extremes. Her captivating eyes are a startling blue, that have all the unpredictable qualities of storms and oceans, going swiftly from tranquil and clear, to stormy and turbulent.
Roleplay Hooks
- Just like the white winged dove (All) - Ivy has a soft spot for music, she shows up to open mic nights, karaoke bars, small live performances. Sometimes she's the one on stage, and her voice fills the room, but mostly, she's just an engaged member of the audience.
- Watch the Sun Rise (All) - Ivy hates running, but she does it, several times a week, always very late, or very earlier. The quiet times.
- Loves the Game (All) - Ivy is no stranger to the hobby of drinking a beer, and watching a game of Rugby. Be that in a pub, or at a game, while she rarely roots for a side, she has no issues calling the ref out for poor decisions.
- The Emissary (Garou) - Ivy regularly ferries messages between the Sept of the Glass Towers and the Sept of the Spiked Pavise.
- Well, Did She Make You Cry? (Garou) - Ivy frequently serves as the referee for inter-sept Rugby matches. She's prepared to go toe to toe to standby her call!
The Pierces - Secret |
Against Me! - What We Worked For |
Davina Michelle - Wrecking Ball (Cover)
- Got a secret, can you keep it?
- Swear this one you'll save
- Better lock it in your pocket
- Taking this one to the grave
- If I show you, then I know you won't tell what I said
- 'Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead
- To my friends and enemies who could have been anything,
- Titans and heroes who found survival in cause and effect.
- Behind counters,
- Behind windows,
- Striving just
- To be people
- With bitter ideals of justice.
- Don't you ever say I just walked away
- I will always want you
- I can't live a lie, running for my life
- I will always want you
- I came in like a wrecking ball
- Wisdom ○
- Earned due to her role in a Successful Pentex Operation.
- Glory ○
- Earned due to her role in a Successful Pentex Operation.
Ivy St. Clair

Ivy St. Clair
Date of Birth:
Apparent Age:
Early 20's
Blonde and Wild
Played By:
Elizabeth Wheeland
- Appearance ○○○○
- Charisma ○○○○
- Strength ○
- Purebreed ○○○
- Feral Appearance
- Enchanting Feature: Voice
- Gall
- Hypersensitivity