
From TowersWiki

  • Dreams: Having some, or want to? Whether they're disturbing or beautiful, fantasy or nightmare, or you've simply lost a few, Jane's an uncanny escort through the dreamscape and has a few tricks up both sleeves.
  • Therapeutic Art: She can paint and perform, sure. But she's better at helping you with yours, and she's a fantastic artist's model.
  • Easily Distracted: Or maybe forgetful. Or simply prone to getting lost. Whatever the case, she's got a way of just wandering places without seeming entirely sure why. There's spots around London she's distinctly uncomfortable staying in for long, but she tends to pop into locations here there and everywhere.
  • Upper Class: Maybe. She speaks Jordanian Arabic with a native London accent that indicates discreetly fine schooling; her exotic good looks indicate her royal blood is distinctly from elsewhere.
  • Freehold: She's sworn an Oath of Demesne to the people of her barony, and a little mutual loyalty goes a long way. If you're looking for a place to call home and the logistics work out, she's a fair and darkly whimsical courtier.