"The measure of a man is what he does with power." – Plato
Name: Dalvin Dancer Gender: Male Apparent Age: 40's Height: 185cm Weight: 15 stone Demeanor: Idealist Profession: Global logistics reallocation
Sphere: Mage Essence: Primordial Tradition: Akashic Brotherhood Subfaction: Li Hai Sect: Roda d'Oro Affiliation: The Geographical Society of Great Britain
This man wrapped in expensive clothes and curated finery is an idealist- a man who sees the world not as it is, but as it could be. Where others see chaos, he sees potential, refining what’s broken with quiet determination. Every step he takes is deliberate, guided by a resolve that carries the weight of responsibility he never asked for, but accepts nonetheless. Onyx doesn’t lead with charm or grand declarations. His influence is found in action, crafting meaningful, lasting change while others chase fleeting victories. For him, relationships are built on trust and reliability, not empty promises or convenience. While he rarely seeks connection for its own sake, his loyalty, once given, is absolute and unshakable.
Though reserved, Onyx’s presence is grounding, a source of quiet strength in uncertain spaces. His carefully styled exterior and direct manner belies a compassion that reveals itself in the smallest, often unnoticed ways: subtle interventions, quiet fixes, and the steady hand that holds things together when no one else will. Onyx prefers the background, reinforcing the fragile edges of the world with the focus of a craftsman. Recognition means little to him; it’s the work that matters. In a world that constantly threatens to unravel, Onyx tries to be a silent force ensuring it holds, piece by deliberate piece.
As a mage, Onyx uses magick as a tool for building and refining: raw reality shaped by steady hands and clear intention. He doesn’t chase spectacle or manipulate the world for selfish gain. His spells are crafted with precision, preferring to align with the natural order when possible, but forcing it to bend when necessary. Where some others lean on displays of power, Onyx prefers his work to pass unnoticed, especially when the change is complete. His magick exists to create, repair, and strengthen. It is expected to be quiet, seamless, and designed to endure long after the echoes of vulgar spells have faded.
A Li-Hai mage of the Akashayana, Onyx’s practice is rooted in discipline, control, and responsibility. To him, spheres of magick are tools to refine existence, shaping space and form with the patience of a sculptor. His magick may sometimes press against the Consensus, but its purpose is never to impress. Onyx measures success by the lasting strength of his creations, not by their visibility. He believes true mastery lies in leaving the world stronger than he found it, reshaped by subtle, enduring forces. Like his presence, Onyx’s magick is intended reinforce the world, preparing it to withstand whatever lies ahead.
Obsidian is far more than a mere familiar; it is the living embodiment of Onyx’s paradigm, a reflection of his struggle over reality and his relentless pursuit of control. Born from paradox and spiritual fusion during Onyx’s Awakening, Obsidian began as a formless spirit drawn to Onyx at a critical moment of transformation. The two became irrevocably bound, resulting in a singular entity that mirrors Onyx’s consciousness and ambition.
Obsidian exists in multiple forms, most often manifesting as a black panther, a sleek raven, or a serpentine dragon, each echoing Onyx’s elegance and quiet menace. Regardless of shape, it is obviously of supernatural origin, not fit for mortal eyes. Obsidian’s eyes burn with molten gold, reflecting intelligence and the power to unravel hidden truths. Its fur, feathers, or scales shimmer and swirl with dark violet and gold hues, radiating its magical nature.
The bond between Onyx and Obsidian transcends that of mage and familiar. Obsidian is a partner, advisor, and sometimes challenger; pushing Onyx toward greater heights of mastery and ambition. Together, they form a cohesive force driven by shared goals and tempered by mutual influence. Obsidian tempers Onyx’s pragmatism with its own raw, untamed will, while Onyx’s humanity keeps the spirit’s desire for control grounded in purpose.
Under Obsidian’s influence, Onyx has honed not only his magick but also his ability to manipulate social dynamics, accumulate wealth, and orchestrate the movements of mortals like pieces on a chessboard. Obsidian reminds him that dominion over people and materials is merely a means to an end; a means to Ascension. Their relationship is not one of servitude but a fusion of two wills striving for the same goals. Obsidian is Onyx’s shadow, progressing their goals in the background while Obsidian takes on objectives head on. Together they make each other stronger and reinforce the belief in each other that Ascension is not only possible, but inevitable.
"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still." – Lao Tzu
Roleplaying Hooks (mouse over description for specific hooks)
The pieces that define Onyx's style
The Platinum Chain – Onyx’s signature wallet chain is rumored to be more than an accessory. Some say it’s enchanted to bind those who betray him—though no one can confirm if it’s superstition or truth.
The Shattered Sigil – Onyx’s platinum bracelet is cracked along one sigil, but he refuses to have it repaired. Some speculate it’s a reminder of a spell that almost unraveled him.
The Wandering Cane – Onyx sometimes carries an elegant black cane, but some who met him swear he wasn’t holding it earlier in the evening. Its appearance often precedes an important decision or deal.
The Forgotten Talisman – Onyx wears a ring engraved with symbols no one recognizes. When questioned, he simply smiles and redirects the conversation.
The Blood-Red Feather – Onyx carries a single crimson feather in his wallet, which he occasionally leaves on gravesites or at altars. No one knows its origin, but it’s always retrieved without a trace.
Even some of his stuff is weird
The Walking Cipher – Onyx carries encrypted data drives on his person at all times. No one knows what’s on them, but they’re considered valuable enough that rival factions have attempted to steal them—and failed.
The Unfinished Monument – In a forgotten corner of London, an incomplete stone structure stands that bears Onyx’s fingerprints. No one knows why it was left unfinished, but those attuned to Correspondence feel the place hum with power.
The Unopened Vault – A large safety deposit box in a minor bank stands unopened, sealed by Correspondence magicks. Some believe Onyx holds the key, but he refuses to confirm or deny the rumors.
The Scribe’s Mark – A sigil resembling Onyx’s signature appears in the margins of certain ancient texts scattered across London’s hidden libraries. Scholars debate whether this is a coincidence or deliberate tampering.
The House on Blackfriars Road – An abandoned house in Blackfriars is rumored to be Onyx’s meditation site. Neighbors report faint lights flickering inside, though no one ever sees him enter or leave.
The Door That Wasn’t There – Some claim that when walking with Onyx, they briefly pass through doorways they cannot locate again afterward. Onyx never acknowledges the anomaly.
The Lock Without a Key – Some doors on Onyx’s estate feature ornate locks that cannot be opened by normal means and/or have no key holes. Visitors speculate that the doors leads to something more than just other rooms.
Hidden Sanctuary – Rumors persist of a hidden room beneath one of London’s forgotten buildings, filled with ancient texts and sigils. Some claim it belongs to Onyx. Others say he’s just borrowing it.
The Sleepless Estate – Onyx’s lights are seen flickering at odd hours, even when he isn’t home. Neighbors speculate the house never sleeps, much like its owner.
In this world, it is inevitable
The Forgotten Duel – Whispers tell of a magical duel Onyx participated in years ago. The location is unknown, and the opponent’s identity has been erased from record. Only Onyx remembers the outcome.
A Deal Half-Finished – Rumors say Onyx once intervened in a negotiation, securing half of what was sought. However, the other party never returned to claim the rest.
The Obsidian Feather – A black feather, faintly glowing with amethyst veins, appeared on the desk of a rival mage days after confronting Onyx. The rival left London shortly thereafter, and the feather remains untouched.
Arcane Conversations – Onyx is often seen in conversation with seemingly ordinary people, but those same individuals are never spotted again. Is he recruiting, or is there something more sinister at play?
Midnight Sessions – Onyx is rumored to train alone in a secret dojo beneath London’s streets. Some claim to hear faint echoes of his kata long after he’s left the space.
People need people who need people
Mysterious Benefactor – A prominent figure in London’s underworld is said to owe Onyx a favor but refuses to speak about the details. Some wonder if Onyx’s assistance comes at too high a price.
The Architect of Deals – Onyx offers guidance to rising mages, but his mentorship often comes with mysterious strings attached. Some call him a mentor, while others call him a manipulator.
The Silent Dancers – Occasionally, Onyx hosts private gatherings. Attendees leave with new assets or insights, but none ever speak about what happened inside.
The Coin of Favor – Onyx sometimes leaves behind small coins made out of ebony engraved with unique symbols when concluding a deal. Those who carry one are marked as having his favor—for better or worse.
Debt to the Geographical Society – Onyx maintains ties with The Geographical Society of Great Britain, occasionally providing equipment or funds. Some say he uses the Society’s explorers to help recover lost artifacts for personal gain.
Silent Apprenticeship – Onyx is known to mentor those who show promise but never directly offers. Those who wish to learn from him often find strange invitations left at their doorsteps.
Sealed Letters – People say Onyx periodically receives letters marked with no return address. He is rumored to open them in private, and whatever he reads determines the course of his actions for the next several days.
Reality sometimes breaks around Onyx
Eyes in the Fog – Onyx is sometimes seen walking alone in dense fogs around London. Those who pass by report the feeling of unseen eyes watching them until the mist clears.
The Soundless Step – Onyx’s footsteps make no noise on certain floors, even in otherwise silent rooms. Those attuned to magick sense this isn’t accidental.
The Veil in the Mirror – Those who look over Onyx’s shoulder into a mirror sometimes glimpse faint outlines of another figure standing beside him. The reflection vanishes if mentioned aloud.
Marks of Passage – Faint footprints of black ash appear behind Onyx during rituals or after casting magick. They vanish moments later, leaving no trace of where he has been.
The Eclipsed Sigil – Onyx wears a pendant with an eclipse symbol, which glows faintly during full moons. Mages versed in Life magick suspect it holds his essence, though few dare ask. Those who have dared have received no clear answer.
The Rewoven Thread – A torn corner of Onyx’s suit was rumored once to have mended itself before the eyes of a witness. The thread shone faintly with silver light before fading into seamless fabric.
The Veil of Rain – Sometimes when it rains, Onyx never seems to get wet. Drops appear to miss him, leaving him untouched even during downpours.
The Lingering Shadow – On occasion, Onyx’s shadow seems to remain a few seconds longer than his body when he steps out of sight.
Reflections in the Rain – Onyx’s presence sometimes lingers unnaturally in puddles or glass surfaces, appearing long after he has left a location. Supernatural beings take this as a sign that he watches over places he deems important.
The Watcher in the Crowd – Onyx is sometimes spotted in places he couldn’t possibly have reached in time. Witnesses claim to have seen him moving effortlessly through dense crowds without touching anyone.
The Absence of Breath – On rare occasions, Onyx appears not to breathe when in deep thought or during tense situations. It’s subtle, but observant individuals find it unsettling.
Jamais vu
Obsidian's Watch – Onyx’s Familiar, Obsidian, is rarely seen by others, but those sensitive to magick claim to feel its presence, watching from just out of sight.
Shadows that Follow – Some claim that when Onyx passes through darkened streets, the shadows seem to lengthen unnaturally. A few whisper that he walks with something—or someone—others cannot see.
The Shadowed Reflection – Occasionally, Onyx's reflection doesn’t match his movements perfectly. Some believe it’s Obsidian watching from the other side, while others think it’s a flaw in reality itself.
Deal with the Void – Rumors suggest Onyx negotiated with a paradox spirit for power during his Awakening. No one knows what he traded, but some fear it wasn’t just his soul.
The Invisible Witness – Obsidian has been spotted near sites of powerful magickal events. Many suspect Onyx learns more about the city’s hidden power plays than he lets on through Obsidian.
Fragments of Obsidian – Small shards of black stone, resembling pieces of Onyx’s Familiar, sometimes appear at the sites of power disruptions or paradox backlashes. No one knows why they manifest.
The Ghost of Brixton – Onyx was spotted conversing with an invisible entity near Brixton station. The air shimmered as if layered with heat, and a faint outline of a man could be seen beside him for a moment.
Obsidian’s Warning – Some who have spoken ill of Onyx report seeing flashes of black stone in reflective surfaces. Some claim it’s Obsidian’s way of reminding them they’re being watched.
The Silent Call – Onyx occasionally pauses mid-conversation, as if hearing something inaudible. Those around him report a faint ringing in their ears, though Onyx insists nothing is amiss.
Onyx's very particular brand of generocity
Debts of Blood and Coin – Onyx is known to lend money to those in need, but repayment is always unconventional. Those who default end up with misfortune following closely behind. Some vanish from polite society without a trace.
The Sculptor of Fates – It's said Onyx has an uncanny ability to guide others toward success—sometimes reshaping their lives without their knowledge. Those around him thrive, but at what unseen cost?
A Quiet Hand in Power – Every so often, someone influential in London rises unexpectedly to power. Rumors note that Onyx was seen near them in the weeks leading up to their ascent.
Hidden Investments – Onyx discreetly funds various movements and small revolutions across the globe, favoring underdogs and guerilla factions fighting authoritarian rule. Those who benefit often don’t know his identity, but someone somewhere always does.
The Silent Partner – Onyx is said to own shares in several high-profile companies under alternate identities. Rumors persist that some of London’s wealthiest owe their success, in some part, to his unseen hands pulling strings from the shadows.
The Black Ledger – A hidden record of debts is said to exist somewhere in Onyx’s network. Those who cross him without repayment find themselves mysteriously shut out of critical circles or suffer sudden disaster.
The Philosopher’s Debt – Onyx has been known to offer financial backing to struggling mages in exchange for knowledge or unique magickal leads. Many who accept his aid feel indebted long after the initial favor.
The Blood Debt – Onyx’s knowledge of the Life Sphere is said to allow him to heal wounds—but not without cost. Some who accept his healing find themselves inexplicably drawn back to him, as if their life energy is tied to his.
Specific things particular to Onyx
The Sleepless Guardian – Onyx is rarely seen resting. Those who know him well believe he’s waiting for something—or perhaps someone—that may never arrive.
Whispers in the Iron Hart – Onyx frequents a local, quiet pub. Patrons believe he uses the space to listen more than to speak, occasionally leaving behind folded notes for strangers.
A Name Best Left Unspoken – Onyx’s real name is unknown to most. Those who uncover it often grow distant or fall into obscurity, as if the knowledge itself carries weight.
Familiar Footsteps – Onyx seems to be able to sense when someone approaches from behind, even in complete silence. His familiarity with space magick is well-known, but this awareness seems instinctive.
Echoes of a Forgotten Name – Onyx has been heard muttering a single name during meditation—one not found in any records. When asked, he dismisses it as unimportant.
Borrowed Faces – Onyx has been spotted wearing slight variations of his usual appearance, leading some to believe he alters his features subtly through Life magick, adapting to the situation.
The Sealed Alley – An alleyway Onyx frequently visits was bricked up overnight. The bricks are perfectly flush, as if they’ve always been there, yet Onyx seems unbothered by its appearance.
This song not only represents a large portion of what Onyx's paradigm is based on, but overlaps into other areas of Onyx's character and world view in a more complete way. ▼
Age 14 at midnight I hear voices from the kitchen
I let my feet follow the sound as I let my ears listen
I walk upstairs and at the kitchen table I can see
That God is sitting with the Devil, sharing drinks and old stories
The floorboard creaks
A red embarrassment floods all throughout God's face He swears that it's not what it looks like
Then He swears He can explain
The Devil speaks,
"Your God and I put all our differences to rest
And though man's actions are his own
But man will blame us nonetheless."
The Devil stands He grabs his keys and straightens out a rusted crown He tells me, "Hell is frozen over Heaven burned down to the ground
And you have only got one life
So do with it what you would like We solemnly apologize but we won't be there when you die."
And I stand cold and alone in a body that won't move
Watching the eyes of these gods that I once knew One pair looks down in a half-hearted lie while
The other looks straight into mine with a whole truth
Lacking the fear I've been told that God deserves
I say, "What good is a prayer that goes unheard?" He says, "What hope could they find in a book
If the book doesn't sell and the pages stay unturned?"
And with a wink, the Devil turns and exits the back door
And God is standing there in silence with his eyes glued to the floor
But then He speaks
"I am no savior but I give them what they need
And there has never been a dreamer who prefers reality
The war for truth is raging on but it's not one you have to fight
And if it is the truth you want, then it is hope you'll sacrifice."
This song is the intersection of Onyx's Self-Confident merit and his Idealist demeanor. If he were to walk around with theme music, this would be it. ▼
I believe every lie that I ever told
Paid for every heart that I ever stole
I played my cards and I didn't fold
Well it ain't that hard when you got soul (this is my world)
Somewhere I heard that life is a test
I been through the worst but I still give my best
God made my mold different from the rest
Then he broke that mold so I know I'm blessed (this is my world)
Stand up now and face the sun
Won't hide my tail or turn and run
It's time to do what must be done
Be a king when kingdom comes
Well you can tell everybody
Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
This song is Onyx's ambition, determination, drive, and strong belief that failure is part of greatness, not a hinderance to it, capitalizing on the experiences learned during setbacks to rebound and push further. It also captures his mindset in ignoring all the limitations artificially put on him by everything from other people to reality itself. ▼
Ay, I am the truth, ay
I am the wisdom of the fallen
I'm the youth, ay
I am the greatest, ay
This is the proof, ay
I work hard, pray hard, pay dues, ay
I transform with pressure, I'm hands-on with effort
I fell twice before, my bounce back was special
Letdowns'll get you, and the critics will test you
But the strong'll survive, another scar may bless you, ah
Don't give up (no no), I won't give up (no no)
Don't give up, no no no (nah)
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive
I'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest
The greatest, the greatest alive
(don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, no no no)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, no no no)
This song represents Onyx's past in which he forged his own path rather than following the conventional wisdom and advice of others around him. Instead of playing things safe he shot for thhe moon, prefering to risk failing his way rather than safely live in mediocrity by conforming. He got everything he wanted and more, but hasn't fallen into the trap of being a slave to his possessions. ▼
Don't you think that it's
Boring how people talk?
Making smart with their words again
Well, I'm bored
Because I'm doing this for the thrill of it, killin' it
Never not chasin' a million things I want
And I am only as young as the minute is full of it
Getting pumped up on the little bright things I bought
But I know they'll never own me (Yeah)
This song represents the questions that plague Onyx as he gets older. He's been through a lot already, but the best is still ahead of him. But has he missed his window for greatness? Will others disregard him as being past his prime? Is he past the point of being innovative and creative? Will he be able to continue to advance his Ascension or has he already peaked? ▼
I've seen the world, done it all, had my cake now
Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel Air now
Hot summer nights, mid-July
When you and I were forever wild
The crazy days, city lights
The way you'd play with me like a child
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
I've seen the world, lit it up as my stage now
Channeling angels in the new age now
Hot summer days, rock and roll
The way you'd play for me at your show
And all the ways I got to know
Your pretty face and electric soul
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
The closer he gets to learning the secrets of the universe, the more Onyx questions the nature of reality and, more importantly, his place in it. Is he real? Is anyone around him? Is reality real? Very meta coming from a fictional PC. ▼
I used to float, now I just fall down
I used to know but I'm not sure now
What I was made for
What was I made for?
Takin' a drive, I was an ideal
Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real
Just something you paid for
What was I made for?
'Cause I, I
I don't know how to feel
But I wanna try
I don't know how to feel
But someday, I might
Someday, I might
There's no specific song or lyrics that apply (none that I will openly admit to...), but this short set represents how something or someone can be painted by just about everyone as one thing - when in fact it is something very, very different. This applies to the character Onyx in a lot of meaningful ways - some obvious, others less so.
By: T-Pain
"To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what you can." – Arthur Ashe