Auto Repair Alix is one of those people that, on hearing an engine run, can tell you that the rod bearing on #4 is going out, that your timing chain needs to be replaced, or the timing needs to be reset to three degrees before top dead center. She has the means and the ability to fix what's broke. Maybe you need a repair?
Crime Baiting When you're tiny and innocent looking in the World of Darkness, awful things happen. Sometimes they're written about in the newspapers, but a lot of the time they're just ignored. Alix doesn't like innocents being hurt, since that's what got her into her current unlife, so she goes out, now and again, to bait those who would seek to do little girls wrong. The encounters are brief and bloody, and the less said about that, the better.
Domain A Malkavian with a Domain in an industrial park? It's more likely than you think! Alix has lucked into a spot very close to Anarch territory that was unmanned for the longest time. Queen Anne needed to have a presence there to maintain the borders, but not someone who was, y'know, valuable. Wouldn't you know it? Alix was the perfect fit, and she's making it work.
Less-than-Legal Driving Before her embrace, Alix was a talented driver that started at twelve. She was being watched, and a few people thought she'd follow in the footsteps of Michèle Mouton, but now? Now, she's got reflexes and experience of someone that's been driving for forty years in the body of a 29 year old. She's good. Like, really good, and specializes in evasion and escape. Got somewhere you need to be and don't care what carnage is left in your wake? Alix can get you there, on time, but it'll cost.
London Native Alix grew up in a council estate north of London. She's been here a while and has been active - mostly in the London courts. You may have seen her around?
Music Driving and Music go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. Music is a constant in Alix's life - everything from EDM to jazz, metal to new wave she listens to. Be careful when there's a kickdrum track above 150bpm!
Procurement If there's ever a time that someone needs something, Alix might be able to find it. Yes, it might not be entirely legal, but if you want that hard-to-find part for your rare Porsche, you gotta go to the girl who can get what you need.
- Fausta. Extremely well spoken and smart. She reminds me of a doll I had growing up with cracks beneath the glaze.
- Kenzie. It's wonderful to find someone that's just as fun-sized as I am, and with such wisdom!
- Wilson. One of the family. I need to know more.
- Jean-Baptiste. Crazy Punk. He may have work for me sometime.
- Anne Bowesly. The illustrious Prince of London.
Name: | Alexandra Edwards |
Appears In-Game As: | Alix |
Occupation: | Mechanic, Driver |
Faction: | Camarilla |
Clan: | Malkavian |
Apparent Age: | Mid-twenties |
Demeanor: | Bon Vivant |
Height: | 4'9" |
Weight: | 40-ish kg |
Eye Color: | Dark Brown |
Hair Color: | Blonde |
Birthday: | April 21st |
Wits 4: She can think on her feet and react quickly to stressful, unexpected situations.
Drive 3, Streetwise 3, Area Knowledge 3: She can get you things, get you places, and knows where to make things happen.
Short: She's 4'9", but you'd be surprised at how much power you can get out of small displacement!
| Motley Crue, Kickstart My Heart
| Scooter, The Logical Song
| Electric Callboy, Parasite
| REDLINE OST, Yellow Line
| Ken Blast, The Top
| Gunship, The Mountain