Player Code of Conduct

I. We expect all players and staff to behave with respect and consideration toward one another. Give other players the benefit of the doubt in interpreting what they say and how they act; conversely, speak to and act toward other players in a friendly, open, and agreeable manner.

II. We expect all players and staff to refrain from abusive, demeaning, derogatory, discriminating, harassing, intimidating, or otherwise unwelcome OOC behavior. If you experience such behavior, politely ask the offender to stop. If they refuse to do so, contact staff immediately.

III. We expect all players and staff to follow the rules of TowersMUX, and — except where modified or overruled for TowersMUX specifically — the rules of the various World of Darkness 20th Anniversary games. That doesn’t mean rolling dice for everything, but it does mean that any situation where players have different ideas about the outcome should be resolved according to the appropriate game rules.

IV. We expect all players and staff to keep their OOC knowledge separate from what their characters know, and play their characters accordingly.

V. We expect all players and staff to be honest, forthright, and transparent in their behavior. This does not mean you are expected to reveal information about your character to other players when asked; it DOES mean that you are expected not to misrepresent such details.

VI. We expect all players and staff to adhere to the spirit and not just the letter of the rules. Cheating in any form is not acceptable.

VII. We expect all players and staff to promptly report any bugs, exploits, or other loopholes in the game code that they might discover.