Kithain in London

London is a dangerous temptation for the fae — a place with pockets of immense creativity, imagination, and inspiration that is also home to some of the most Banal people and places any changeling is likely to ever encounter. For some it’s easier than for others, but anyone who hopes to last long without being Undone must find a balance between staying close to the “safe” areas of the city and the overharvested sources of Glamour that can be found there, and venturing out to seek and cultivate newer and richer — yet riskier — opportunities.

Kith Types

  • Common Kiths: Boggans, Clurichauns, Eshu, Nockers, Piskies, Pooka, Redcaps, Satyrs, Selkies, Arcadian and Autumn Sidhe, Sluagh, and Trolls are considered common kiths.
  • Korred, Merfolk, Morganed and Wichtel are considered uncommon kiths.
  • Ghille Dhu and River Hags are considered rare kiths.