Staff Code of Conduct

Staff are expected to abide by the Player Code of Conduct, as well as some additional restrictions unique to them.

I. Staff are not permitted to handle requests involving their own characters, if any. This includes initial character approval, XP spends, scenes in which their character is participating, influence requests, PVP, or any other situation in which staff approval or signoff is required.

II. Staff are expected to recuse themselves from handling any requests in which their characters have a significant interest, even if their characters are not directly involved. For instance, if the IC significant other of a staff member’s character submits a request to raise Arete to 4, that staff member should not handle the request. For requests where unanimous staff approval is required, any staff who recuse themselves will not be counted as staff (either for or against) for the purposes of that specific request.

III. Requests that involve staff characters are considered to require one additional step on the Approval Scale above and beyond what a non-staff character would need. That is, XP requests for the first dot of an Ability (which normally do not require approval) would require a single approval for a staff member’s character. Requests that normally require one approval require two, requests that would require two require a majority of current staff, and requests that would require a majority require unanimous approval.

IV. Staff shall not misuse privileged access to game-related information, whether for their own benefit or for another player’s.