
Towers of New Londinium — or as everyone, including staff, calls it, “TowersMUX” — is a World of Darkness MUX set in the city of London, using the 20th Anniversary World of Darkness rules and setting.

As of May, we’re in the midst of what we hope will be a short period of beta-testing before the game can be fully opened to the world! During the beta test period:

  • Access to the game is by invitation only; character creation at the login screen is disabled.
  • Content on this site may (and is likely to) change, though probably not in major ways.
  • Not all of the IC grid is complete; we have most of central London done. Lambeth (the final borough before opening) is now under construction, and we plan to add Wandsworth and Hammersmith in the near future. The outlying boroughs will be added in over time.
  • The Subterranean London and Umbra grids are not available yet; please use RP rooms where necessary to substitute for them until they’re ready. The subterranean grid will have priority, followed by the Middle Umbra, with the Upper and Lower Umbra and the Digital Web to come later if there’s sufficient demand.
  • We’re over 60 IC +hangouts and venues, with more being added gradually.
  • Most game code is broadly functional, although we expect there to be some bugs and feature requests still to complete.
  • Automation of the influence system is still to come, so requests will be handled manually. Please be patient!
  • Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage are available now, with Changeling to be rolled out during the testing period.
  • Writeups describing the IC institutions for available spheres are all now in place (albeit some of them may be a little sketchier than we might like).
  • We’re working some metaplot drops into the game now, although the major beats will come post-opening.
  • We are in the process of gradually rolling out houserules as time allows; please try to be flexible. As much as we’d like to have them all in place before opening, it’s probably unlikely.
  • Staff is focused on completing the remaining elements needed for opening, so requests for things like NPC appearances, influence system actions, information on specific IC elements, etc., will probably be delayed a little longer than in an ideal world.

Thank you for your patience while we compile the information we need and push it out to this website, as we continue to develop the game and the world it’s set in. We’re working as quickly as we can to make our version of London a compelling and fully realized place to roleplay, but we don’t want to compromise just to make it happen according to a fixed schedule, either.

We look forward to welcoming you into our shared world.