Mage Merits


Cloak of the Seasons (1 or 3 points)

For 1 point, any environmental penalties (dice pool reductions or difficulty increases due high winds, driving rain, and so forth, or environmental damage from extreme heat or cold) that you would normally receive are reduced by half. For 3 points, you ignore environmental penalties and environmental damage completely: you can wander through an Arctic blizzard completely unclothed and not be harmed.

Nightsight (3 points)

You can see in near-total darkness. Only the complete absence of any light whatsoever will negate this ability. Additionally, you cannot be blinded by rapid changes in brightness.

Too Tough to Die (5 points)

You can soak lethal (though not aggravated) damage with your Stamina. They still hurt, and the time required to heal is not affected by this Merit.


Seldom Sleeps (2 points)

You can get by on just one hour of sleep per night. You suffer no penalties for staying awake for extended periods, although you must still rest after exerting yourself, and are not immune to drugs or supernatural powers that induce sleep.


Burning Aura (1 point)

You have a particularly bright and vivid aura. It’s almost impossible to hide or disguise — +2 difficulty to any attempts to do so — but if you’re dealing with people who can sense it, your Social rolls to create an impression in line with your aura (that is, one that’s an honest reflection of what you’re feeling) are made at -2 difficulty. Your Resonance and Synergy traits each gain one dot.

Cyclic Magic (3 points)

Your magick waxes and wanes in strength according to a cycle selected when you take this merit (every 24 hours, every week, every full moon, etc.). At the high point in the cycle, you reduce casting difficulties by 3 for one hour; at the low point, you increase difficulties by 3. Difficulties are -2/+2 for one hour before and one hour after the high or low point, and -1/+1 for one hour before and after the -2/+2 hours. The high and low points of a cycle must occur with the same regularity, and this Merit will need to be reflected in your Focus in order to be approved. Note that these difficulty modifiers do not allow you to exceed the normal limit of -3 difficulty to a casting roll.

Deathwalker (4 points)

You can transport yourself to and from the Shadowlands and the Low Umbra using only Spirit 3; no additional spheres or elaborate rituals are required. If you have Spirit 4, you can open a gate that others can use to travel there along with you. When so traveling, your aura becomes pale and you are indistinguishable from a ghost except to knowledgeable persons who succeed on a Perception + Occult check against difficulty 7.

Green Thumb (1 point)

Plants really like you, and respond well to being under your care. Rolls relating to the care of plants that don’t involve Arete are made at -2 difficulty. Arete rolls are made at -1 difficulty if and only if the effect is centered around and focused on plants themselves — you gain the benefit for a spell to make an acorn grow into a mighty oak tree, but not for a spell to heal your friends using plants. This modifier will not allow you to exceed the normal limit of -3 difficulty to an Arete roll.

Manifest Avatar (3 points)

Your Avatar isn’t just in your head, it’s a whole separate character — usually one that only you can perceive or interact with. Provided your Avatar is not exotic enough to offend the Consensus, you may also buy the Allies Background and define some or all of the dots it in as applying to your Manifest Avatar, therefore making it someone everyone can see. See Book of Secrets, p.71, for tips on handling a Manifest Avatar as a character, and be aware that, while running the Avatar will normally be the player’s responsibility, staff may occasionally have some plot points to pass along through it …

Natural Channel (3 points)

You subtract 2 from the difficulty of your rolls to penetrate the Gauntlet.

Natural Shapeshifter (3 points)

Your difficulty for casting rolls related to changing your own (but not anyone else’s) shape are reduced by 2. This cannot reduce your difficulty past the normal limit of -3 total. You retain your full sense of self when in a different form, without needing to spend Willpower to avoid being lost in your new shape.

Parlor Trick (3, 6 or 9 points)

You can perform one single specific application of your Spheres without needing a casting roll, and without worrying about Paradox. Specific restrictions on what the effects of this Merit can be are found in Book of Secrets, p. 73, but, in brief: it cannot be something with direct combat applications; it must not be obviously vulgar; it cannot use a Sphere higher than 3; you must actually have the Spheres it uses; it must suit your Focus; and it must be one single highly specific “trick”. You can take this Merit up to three times; it does not count against the normal 10-point Merit limit.