Multiple Characters

Many players want to have more than one character on the same game. As a change of pace, as a way to experiment with other spheres, just because they enjoy roleplaying multiple different personas — these are all fine reasons! We don’t discourage this practice, but we do have some rules and guidelines.

  • While you can have more than one character, you cannot have more than one character in a group at the same time. “Group,” for our purposes, means:
    • The Camarilla
    • The Anarchs
      • Independent Clan vampires are counted as either Camarilla or Anarch depending on where their primary area of activity in London is.
    • Garou
    • Fera
    • Mage
    • Changeling
    • Mortal
  • A player may have one “rare” character type and one “uncommon” character type, as defined in Character Creation; or two “uncommon” character types. Characters beyond that should be “common” types.
  • It is expected that you will create, and play, your characters in such a way as to discourage potential interactions or conflicts of interest. Don’t put yourself in a position where one character of yours is indebted to another or to another’s rival, is a business partner, etc. We may ask you to rewrite your app if it seems likely to lead to such.
  • Generally, you should not have more than one character in the same scene. There are some grey areas here — if there’s a game-wide event going on that characters from every sphere can attend, then it’s okay to have more than one character drop in, as long as they’re not both there at the same time. If you leave a public scene to go get dinner and the scene is still going three hours later when you get back, it’s fine to send another character to join in. Use your good judgment.
  • Be realistic about how many characters you can maintain a reasonable activity level with. Make sure you have the time for two before adding a third, and so on.